Dear Mom, You are a Big Deal

So about 2 weeks ago, during our first full weekend in Seoul I made a mistake. I was texting my mother and selfishly decided that it was time to go. She sent a text, that I did not receive initially (got it in the morning) and I never responded. I come back home from a night at Club Octagon my phone is dead, I am tired, sweaty and ready for bed. Naturally, I pass out. Next morning at 9AM Seoul Time I receive a knock at my door with a note delivered from the front desk. It was from my mom! Apparently she called and scared the front desk people at Casaville so much that they attempted to come to my room three times the night before, and then early in the morning. I opened the envelope only to find a loving note reminding me to CALL MY MOTHER. Though it was not a big deal yet, there was no way I could understand what it’s like to not be able to reach your child. I guess it comes from years of motherhood and a growing love for someone you gave life to. And yes Mom, I know you’re reading this, but I am very sorry I didn’t call. The truth of the matter is, always call your mother because when you can’t call your mother anymore it will be a sad day.

Love ya Adelia.
